G5 English 五英
發佈時間:2024-03-11 (更新:2024-04-29 13:30) | 發佈者:溫雪鴻 |
標題:112下五下國際文化 | |
Transportation Song各國交通工具的演進史
將下列的交通工具發明出來的時間從最早到最晚排列出來(代號排列)1. airplane2. rocket3. motorcycle4. subway (train)5. steamboat6. diesel truck7. self-driving car8. race car我的猜測:___ →___ →___ →___ →___ →___ →___ →___
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Q&A1. What are the three kinds of car in HSR?說出HSR裡的三種車廂2. How many seats are there in a row in a standard car?在HSR的標準車廂裡,一列有多少座位?3. Do you like an aisle seat or window seat? Why?你喜歡做走到座位還是靠窗座位? 為什麼?4. Can you eat and drink on the HSR trains?在HSR上你能夠飲食嗎?5. How do you like to buy your HSR ticket? Why?你如何購買你的HSR票呢?為什麼採用這個方式?