發佈時間:2016-07-31 (更新:2024-09-12 21:58) | 發佈者:Anita0920 | ||||||||||||||||||
標題:List of Stories繪本自學庫+E-Book資源+RT讀者劇場 | |||||||||||||||||||
Anita Youtube繪本播放清單
Anita繪本教學資源(先依難易度,再依字母排列)低年級 A Color of his own_Leo Lionni-Animals動物+Colors顏色 Brown Bear-Animals動物+Colors顏色 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom-Alphabets字母 David goes to school-Classroom Rules班級常規 Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer Go Away Big Green Monster-Halloween萬聖節 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush I am the music man-Musical instrument樂器 I SPY+We all go traveling by-Art藝術+Alphabets字母 Yo! Yes?-Greetings打招呼
中年級 Dem Bones(The Skeleton Dance)-Health健康、Halloween萬聖節 Guess How Much I Love You?-Mother's Day Little Blue and Little Yellow_Leo Lionni-Art視覺藝術,Interpersonal relationship人際 Over in the Meadow-Animals動物 The Animal Boogie-Animals動物 There was an old lady-Halloween萬聖節 The very hungry caterpillar-Week星期+Food食物 Today is Monday-Week星期+Food食物 Where Can Bunny Paint?-Easter復活節
高年級 Animals Should Definitely NOT Wear Clothing-Clothing服裝 Carrot Soup-Sharing分享 Fifty Below Zero-Room房間 Handa's Surprise-Fruit水果+Multiple culture多元文化 Leo the Late Bloomer-Morality品德 Love You Forever-Mother's Day母親節 Just Right for Christmas-Xmas聖誕節 Mother's Day-母親節 Owl Babies-Mother's Day母親節 Purple, Green, and Yellow-Colors顏色 Sneezy the Snowman雪人也會打噴嚏嗎?Xmas聖誕節+Clothing服裝 The Carrot Seed-Grit意志力-Morality品德 The Dot-Art視覺藝術 The Gingerbread Man-Xmas聖誕節 The mess that we made-SDGs海洋 The Missing Piece-Morality品德 The Missing Piece Meets the Big O-Morality品德 Turkey Trouble_Thanksgiving Day感恩節 Tooth Fairy-Health健康 What's the time, Mr. Wolf?-Routine日常作息,Time時間 When Sophie Gets Angry- Really Really Angry-Feelings情緒PearDeck Winnie the Witch and Minnie the Cat-Environmental friendly環保 Winnie and Wilbur meet Santa-Xmas聖誕節
免費eBook 繪本閱讀+Peppa Pig
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