Song 歌曲

發佈時間:2023-07-20 (更新:2023-12-24 11:16)發佈者:Anita0920
標題:Hokey Pokey Dance Song

Hokey Pokey Dance Song


Use simple English and repeat to the young children_By Nina

Sit down, Stand upx2
Line up
Make a circle big big big
Make a circle small small small
Make a circle up up up
Make a circle down down down

You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
You put your right foot in
and then you shake it all about
you do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
that's what its all about

2) left foot

3) right hand

4) left hand

5) whole self

*More:Let the student choose a body part


可以當雙語體育課中低年級的暖身,學生熟悉歌詞之後,可以讓學生choose a body part自選身體部位替換歌詞(我的皮蛋學生還換toung
舌頭😂😅😭),也可以男女生各圍一圈,大家朝圓圈中間做動作和shake it all about



Hokey Pokey

Dance Song



The Hokey Pokey Shake 



How to do the Hokey Pokey


Teachers Demo


You put one hand in,
You put one hand out,
You put one hand in,
And you shake shake shake shake shake

You do the hokey pokey
and turn around
Everybody turn around 

2) two hands ; clap your hands

3) one foot ; sit down 

4) two feet ; stand up

5) head ; sing a song

6) backside ; be quiet

7) whole self ; take a bow