Story 繪本
發佈時間:2023-01-29 (更新:2024-08-23 16:49) | 發佈者:Anita0920 |
標題:Happy Mother's Day | |
What does your mom teach you? What does your mom do for you?
Mother’s Day ?口音 東南亞腔調 What does the little girl say to her mother? Who is the other woman? ?MUM & MOM
Mother's Day (Mom & Daughter's voice) 媽媽與女兒不同的心聲 Mothers_Day_(Cute_Video)_Teacher.pdf
Mother’s Day
媽媽之歌與爸爸之歌(The Mom Song & Dadsense)What is Dadsense? (one sentence)
Words about Mother's Day
Guess How Much I Love You?-Mother's Day Love You Forever-Mother's Day Owl Babies-Mother's Day
● Mothers_Day_(Cute_Video)_Teacher.pdf |