發佈時間:2020-04-05 (更新:2022-07-04 22:17) | 發佈者:Anita0920 |
標題:FIGHT THE VIRUS《對抗病毒之歌》-COVID-19 | |
Adapted From SaLLy
(Coronavirus outbreak/ COVID-19) Alvin Oon 改編《Sound of Silence》 How many times "virus"? Jennifer教學參考
中英對照的Ted Talk介紹病毒如何從動物跳到人類身上
國小中低年級: 先聽教洗手的英文歌
《FIGHT THE VIRUS》《對抗病毒之歌》 Adapted by Alvin Oon Translated by 演映 (Lyrics/ 歌詞內容)
Hello, virus from Wuhan. 哈囉,武漢病毒。 Another problem's here again. 這裡又出現另一個難題。 Because you see the contagion creeping. 你看, 這疾病正在傳染蔓延。 And the virus is indeed spreading. 而且這病毒確實在擴散中。 And the memory of SARS planted in my brain still remains. 而SARS的記憶在我的腦海裡依然存在。 We stand and fight the virus. 我們挺身來對抗病毒吧。
We hear theories how it grew from snakes and bats became a flu. 我們聽到病毒滋生的說法不一,從蛇、蝙蝠,變成流感。 Passing the sickness from man to man. 疾病在人與人之間傳遞。 Now it's growing out of hand. 現在疫情有點失控難以收拾了。 It's a virus that has traveled near and far. 就是這種病毒 到處傳播。 Corona. 冠狀病毒,
We have to fight the virus. 我們必須與這病毒奮戰到底。 And in the latest news I saw, ten thousands of people maybe more people falling sick with much coughing. 在我看到的最新的消息,成千上萬的人,也許更多人們生病,咳嗽不斷。 People falling ill with much sneezing. 人們病了,不停打噴嚏。 People worried for their health and their ones so dear. 人們擔心自己和他們深愛的人的健康 Pneumonia. 肺炎
We keep the fight the virus. 我們繼續來對抗病毒。 Keep your hand clean always know. 始終保持手清潔-要勤洗手 。 hygiene will stop that virus grow. 保持衛生將能阻止病毒滋長。 When you sneeze, cover with tissue. 打噴嚏時,用紙巾摀嘴。 Even coughing. Just let me teach you. 甚至咳嗽也是。 讓我來教教你。 Wear a mask if you're sick. 如果你病了, 要戴上口罩。 So that others won't get it too. 這樣才不會感染別人。
We count on you. 我們依靠你了, To help to fight the virus. 來協助共戰病毒。 Together we must overcome. 同心協力我們必能克服, To beat this virus fight as one. 一起擊敗病毒 指日可待。 For a life of health and harmony. 為了健康和諧的人生, It's in our hand. 一切掌握在我們手中。 It's up to you and me. 疫情控制就看你我了。 For the health of our land of our friends and family. 為了我們腳下土地的健康,朋友和家人的健康。 Humanity. 人類啊, We will win this fight the virus. 我們終將贏得這場病毒的搏鬥。
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Song 歌曲